March 17, 2020

Dear Central Baptist Church Family and Friends:

We are living in the “perilous times” Paul described in 2 Timothy 3:1.  Our Lord will enable us to come through these present challenges by His Grace and for His Glory!

I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.
- Philippians 4:13

We have been in touch with medical, governmental, and legal resources and will continue to lead CBC responsibly and scripturally through the days ahead.  Details of our upcoming adjustments are herein enclosed and are being sent by email, USPS, text, and/or phone.  Please contact Tina with your updated email and phone information today.  Please take a few valuable moments to copy and send this letter to others who may not be receiving it.

In addition to the helpful input of my people, I have been blessed to receive counsel from The Christian Law Association and The Virginia Assembly of Independent Baptists.  The plan of action which we have developed has been described as “astute” and as “the best church plan,” for which we give God all The Glory!

Of course, our primary concern has been for life, health, and well-being of people.  We continue to extend our sincere condolences to those who have lost loved ones to the coronavirus.  We are praying for those who are ill.  If you are sick, or know you have been exposed to the virus, or if you are at high-risk (elderly, medically compromised, etc.), we ask you to remain at home.  Thank you.

President Trump and Governor Northam have spoken.  They have declared that gatherings should not exceed ten persons.  Therefore, until restrictions are lifted, we ask everyone who can receive our live-stream services to remain at home and watch with family and friends.  For those who do not or cannot receive live-stream (and are healthy and not at-risk), we will allow ten people in our auditorium, and ten additional people in each of our two overflow areas, etc.  We will not be running buses and our van to services.  (Workers may individually wish to meet with up to ten of their riders for informal “mini-services” to be announced by the individual workers.)  WNA is suspended for now.

With a quantity of disinfectant brought in from out-of-state (thank you for your sacrificial donation), we will ask our workers to continue to wipe down all surfaces.  We have suspended handshaking.  We will observe legal crowd size requirements in each of our confined areas.  There will be legal overflow options provided.  (We realize that this may change, and we will adjust when it does.)

Changes to begin this Wednesday:  We will commence live-streaming of services Sunday School 9:45am, Sunday 11am, Sunday 6:30pm, and Wednesday 7:30pm.  I repeat, this will begin this Wednesday, March 18!  You may watch us on YouTube at  Our IT people can help you to do this.

Thank you in advance for your faithful financial support!  We appreciate your understanding in this vital matter. At this time, please feel free to mail in your regular tithes and additional offerings.  Your giving will enable Central Baptist Church to continue to pay its ongoing bills and support worldwide missions.  I cannot overstate the importance of your giving today.

Services, activities, ministries, and events at Central Baptist Church may continue as we are able, but will be subject to limitations.  In the event that we find it necessary to cancel, postpone, re-format, or alter these in any way, we will make every effort to keep you well-informed.

Thank you for your prayers.  They mean so much!  God loves you, and so do we!  God bless you, and may He keep you safe and well!

Your Friend,

Dr. Brad Weniger, Pastor